WhatsApp is one of the most popular instant messaging app, we can give name as KING of all apps. Millions of messages being send through out the day with WhatsApp messenger only. present days every person maintaining two phone numbers and along with two whatsapp accounts but we an use two accounts at a time in smartphone through DUAL APP option in settings. By using the little trick now we can run multiple whatsapp web accounts at the same time on same device in your Mac or Windows PC also.
Steps to fallow
Before going to start process initially have to open whats account in mobile and have to check proper internet connections in both mobile and particular device(computer).
Step @1:- Open any browser on your computer and paste https://web.whatsapp.com in tab and press enter

Step @2:- Go to whatsapp account in your smartphone –> WhatsApp web –> scan QR code with mobile phone then whats app account activated in computer, now you can use in PC.

Step @3:- If you want to open another account on same browser go to browser settings –> New incognito window –> paste https://web.whatsapp.com in tab and press enter —> scan QR code with mobile phone then second whatsapp account activated on the same browser.

Step @4:- When your Second QR code scan completed from that time onwards you can use two whatsapp accounts in same computer in one browser. Here one more point keep in your mind that is when browsing incognito window details will not be saved, so every time you will re enter details.
We can run 6 whatsapp web multiple accounts at a time in one computer by using three browsers. I think you got how to run 2 accounts in browser at a time.